

My Style

It’s that time of the year | Make it an annual event, call a girlfriend and get some wine

The Closet - Harpers Bazaar September 2015

Don’t be nervous. We are not going to ask you to donate all your clothes, but just make you see what makes sense and what doesn’t in your bulging closet.

Step 1 | Invite one good friend (only one as we don’t want you to start a party). Once confirmed, cancel all other plans for that day. Get yourself a bottle of wine (or two) and make that your day of “closet cleanout”.

Sex and the city take toss Closet

Step 2 | Bring everything out of the closet. No short-cuts here. Just throw it all on the floor.
Step 3 | Sort out everything in two piles with the question, “Will I buy this today?” And make a ‘Yes’ and a ‘No’ pile. This is a very important question since we all evolve in our fashion sensibilities. And makes for a very good start in sorting out what you have gathered over the years.
Step 4 | Pack your ‘No’ pile for now and focus on the ‘Yes’ pile. Inspect every item for any stains, rips and faded clothes. Keep them aside.

Cleaning closet out

Ask yourself, “Will I buy this today?” Make a ‘Yes’ and a ‘No’ pile 

Sex and the City take take Closet

Step 5 | Now let’s start the party (yes, you can sip that wine officially) and try out every item. Our tip: Start with one colour first, e.g. all whites together. If any item doesn’t fit, keep it aside.
Step 6 | After the inspection, put the winners back in the empty closet staring at you (don’t be sad, it will fill up quickly enough).

Fashion Illustration Closet

Step 7 | Organise your closet | Co-ordinate your hangers to make the most of your space. Get uniform hangers (OCDs rejoice!) for your closet, which will help slim it down.

Fold | heavy clothes and knits, that may lose shape on a hanger, in neat piles.

Reorganizing your closet
Ultimate Closet Cleanse

Organise | your garments according to the type and colour. Put your shirts, denims, tops in separate piles.

Arrange | your clothes according to their priority; keep your uniform, work clothes ironed and ready at front.

Use | dividers in the drawers for better organisation. This will help you separate your socks, innerwear, ties, in neatly rolled up piles.

Don’t | let the floor space (or bottom shelf) go waste and store your shoes or off seasonal clothing at the bottom (because we know bending to reach out for them can be a task).

White Hanging Closet
13 Going on 30 Closet

Step 8 | Address the clothes that you separated with stains, rips and fading. See what you can salvage and what you cannot. The ones you can and are your absolute favourites are to be taken to the tailor, seamstress, and drycleaner. (Tip: Faded ones make for great lounge wear at home).

Step 9 | Now let’s attend to your ‘No’ pile that you willingly packed - temporarily! (Your friend will play a pivotal role in helping you through this step.

Sort these piles | into new/clean clothes and ones you will never wear.

Once done | you have two options - donate clean and wearable clothes. There are good NGO’s doing a great job around the country. Or - charity starts at home - pass them to someone you know will make better use of them. Alternatively, sell the new clothes online and get some extra cash to shop for a Yes pile.


Step 10 | Courage, thy name is woman. Enjoy another bottle of wine and the company of your friend to celebrate your victory.

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